Greatest Sister on the Planet

Greatest Sister on the Planet
Happy Birthday Big Sis!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Penny Richins - My Favorite Entry!

I got this one first . . . and Completely Panicked!!! I thought she had sent it to you or something I was dying. Then I saw what happened, I had to include it . . . it is the story of our life! I'm sorry you always have to be me!

Hi Traci,
Here is my story of Heidi:
When I moved to Lyman I was 11 years old and had a really hard time making friends. Everyone there had already been friends or known each other since they went to pre-school together and already had their social circles. I have family here, but most of the cousins that I knew didn't want to be socially associated with the weird new girl. By the time I made it into Young Women's I was pretty un-excited about the whole thing. I was going because I had to, and I would generally make excuses to get out of it and any other social activities.
Heidi was in my ward and older than me, but she took the time to be nice to me. I didn't expect anyone to jump out and be my best friend, so it was really nice that someone cared enough to just not be mean. She set a great example of how to be yourself and not worry so much about what other people thought of you. Because of her and some caring Young Womens' leaders (Heidi's mom, Colleen, and Edyth Matthews) I kept going. Eventually I found some friends, and I survived my middle school years :) As I progressed through Young Womens' and school, I remembered the way that Heidi made me feel and I tried to do that for other people. I still follow her example today in the way I encourage my guitar students.
Happy Birthday Heidi, thanks for your help, and I'll always think of you as The Fun Girl!

With Love,

Penny Richens

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